Our Supporters
The Melbourne International Jazz Festival is proudly a not-for-profit organisation, presenting the highest calibre of jazz and improvised music in Australia, while fostering the next generation of talent.
We rely on the support and generosity of our community to present our annual Festival. We would like to thank all of our patrons for your ongoing support.
If you would like to support the festival, you can donate here.
For more information on our private giving program, contact Caitlin McNaughton on caitlin@melbournejazz.com.
John Stanhope AM and Sue Stanhope
Jennifer Darbyshire and David Walker
Juliet and David Walker
Tim Danielson and Athalie Williams
Gerlinde Scholz and Richard Leonard
Akira Kikkawa
Amy Tennent
David Valmorbida
Greg and Tricia Currie
Ian Court and Sue Walpole
James Thomas
Mark Dipnall
Michael Tortoni
Anonymous (1)
Des Cowley
Eve Christina Duncan
The Hon. Heidi Victoria
Iain Stewart
James Thomas
Matt McGowan
Nagle Family
Peter Outhred
Rob Cooper
Susan Millard
Victoria Ponsford
Anonymous (2)
Alexandra Murphy
Alina Brown
Damjan Vukcevic
Dave Green
Jonathan Sweet
Jurate Sasnaitis
Leanne Kennedy
Liza Boyer
Margie Woods
Murray Piper
Robert Babic
Stephen Bourke
Ziggy Zolo
Anonymous (10)
Up to $200
We would also like to thank all of our wonderful MIJF community of donors at all levels, who give so generously.
Become a Supporter
All donations $200 and over are acknowledged in the Festival Program and on the website.
More details are available on the Donate page on the website.