Christopher Hale to perform at Kanazawa Jazz Street in September

We’re thrilled to announce that acclaimed electric bassist Christopher Hale is set to perform two shows at Kanazawa Jazz Street in September, as part of MIJF’s international showcase activity. One of Australia’s most virtuosic and respected improvising musicians, Hale will present Ritual Diamonds—a cross-cultural collaboration which premiered at the 2022 Melbourne International Jazz Festival.

Ten years after releasing his critically-acclaimed album Sylvan Coda, Hale released Ritual Diamonds—featuring percussionist/composer Minyoung Woo. Hale’s signature melodies are interwoven with the simmering, complex rhythms of Woo’s innovative reassembly of Korean shamanic drumming languages. The music is both rhythmically mysterious and beautifully immediate and melodic. We can’t wait to see his stunning work brought to life at this major event in Japan, thanks to the incredible support of the Australia-Japan Foundation and the Vizard Foundation.

Spotlighting the strength of the Australian jazz scene and creating opportunities for artists to expand their markets is a central tenet of MIJF’s sector development activity. Each October, we generate opportunities for local musicians to get their work in front of major international presenters, and year-round we leverage our partnerships with renowned presenters to facilitate international showcasing and touring opportunities.

Stay tuned for more updates on incredible Australian work touring the world as part of this MIJF’s International Engagement Program.

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